Munich, Germany: Caligari Films requests development input on live-action, doc & web-series. Sept '15.

Spent the day working with independent TV and film company Caligari in their Munich office on the development of a live-action sitcom, a real life documentary and an interactive web series for pre-teens. The focus for the sitcom was mapping out the character constellation and identifying the relationships between the characters. The doc required exploration of the how the audience's understanding of the subject matter might effect the storytelling and the web series focused on mapping out the engine, filters and showcases that are the foundations of any successful and truly dependent user-generated show.
Gabriele Walther, Founder and managing director.
Bettina Josmann, Producer Entertainment.
Friedrich Steinhardt, Producer Documentary
Stefanie Schibille, Producer Coordination
Djamila Baumann, Development Assistant
Friederike Nickel, Marketing
Sophie Werdin, Business Affairs
Paul Tyler